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An Unbiased Judgement?

The LGBTQIA+ community has been fighting for their rights for a significant period of time. One such battle was going on in the Supreme Court of India. The case presented a long-lasting issue of same-sex marriages in India. It is true that gender identities and live-in relationships have been protected by law for quite some time now. The process of community recognition and the acceptance of it started back in 2014 when transgender, also known as a third gender was accepted by the law and is now protected by it. Gradually and steadily developments have been taking place but it's not really a cup of tea.

Revolution, Evolution or Degradation?

The people of our country have been and still are trying to accept the concept of gay, lesbian, or any sort of relationship that is or might take place in the future. India being a traditional country, is a long process for individuals to wrap and actually understand the importance and significance of it.

But, at the same time, it is getting difficult to reach the roots of unacceptability because there's no specific explanation for not accepting it. Individuals just neglect the LGBTQIA+ community like they do not belong within us. It's difficult to see them treated differently because they are just human beings who just have novel preferences. It does not mean that they should be sidelined or dismissed.

The one thing that needs to be highlighted is that today's generation, or at least people belonging to the age group of 12 to 25 support and understand the community like no other. One such example is a middle-aged man named Dan who is quite famous on Tik - Tok started or introduced the concept of 'Stand in Family.' He and his community aim to fill the void left open by inafirming families of LGBTQIA+ people. He has even created a website and a group called 'Stand in Pride." They aim at bringing and expressing emotional, physical, and mental support to those who are not accepted by their families. They will be physically present on one's important events like graduations, weddings, ceremonies, etc. He is a stand-in dad and is a wonderful sensation of what support actually looks like.

Is it really about general acceptability?




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