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Analyzing the “Despotism and Democracy” John Keane’s essay

The essay that argues about the correlation between democracy and despotism by John Keane introduces a dialectic perspective in the debate. It discusses liberal authors' and absolutism advocates' perspectives about civil society and whether it must be separated from the State. Let's talk about these two perspectives regarding civil society and men's rights and their historical context.

How does John explain the origin of "civil society"?

First of all, the author of the essay explains at the beginning of his text the origin of the term "civil society" as a political association. The members of civil society must be under the power of the law that preserves order and peace. Based on this, the construction of the institutional State was founded. The term "civil society" originated from the Latin "civilis societas" and the Roman political status, where a central figure ruled all the citizens and the empire to maintain social peace.

Liberals and the critique about the "civil society"

The absolutism arguments in the political and social organization sphere

Civil society x State discussion


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