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Arab-Israeli war: Chaos since 1948

Since the Israel State’s creation, in 14th May of 1948, half of 1,3 million Palestinians were taken away from their home, and around one hundred in that event, called by the Arabs as “Nakba”, or “The catastrophe”. The author of “Israel/Palestine: How to end the war of 1948” tells in his literacy that the idea of “Jewish warrior State” is scattered through the Israeli media, justifying its own creation.

How the media show the conflict between Jews and Arabs:

The author tells us about how the international media in general treats the Palestinian's image, he says that the media show the Palestinian folks as terrorists, violent, non-pacifists and similar. However, in the beginning of 1990s, Palestine authorities had offered many peace treaties, and in the Oslo Conference, September of 1993, some cease-fire and peace agreements were done with the Jewish and Palestinian State. The Jews and the Palestinian were euphories and optimistic about the treaties, although there were some extremist Palestinian organizations who didn’t want peace with Israel, their slogan was: “Let the Jews be thrown into the sea”.

How did the agreements were made?

Afterward the discussion and the treaties making:


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