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Bappa Rawal: The Protector of 'Bharat'

Bappa Rawal, a name engraved in the chronicles of history, an exemplar of valour and tenacity. Emerging from the heartland of Mewar in ancient India, he's a resolute warrior, inspiring generations. Renowned for his unyielding spirit, he led Rajput’s against foreign invasions, defending his realm with unwavering determination. Rawal's legendary triumph in the Battle of Rajasthan against Arab showcased his tactical brilliance. Beyond military prowess, Rawal's legacy endures as a symbol of honour, echoing through time as a testament to unwavering bravery. His name etched in annals, Rawal's courage remains a steadfast reminder of fortitude and gallant resistance.

Eklinga Puran

The Ekalinga Mahatmya and other bardic chronicles state that Bappa's father Nagaditya and all other male members of his family were killed in a battle with the Bhils of Idar. He remained in disguise, accompanied by two attendants. He was brought up by a Brahmin lady of Nagda, who employed him as a caretaker of cows. One day, he met the sage Harit Rashi. The sage agreed to initiate him into a Shaivite order, and to grant him immortality and supernatural powers. With this power, he defeated his father's killers, and established the Mewar Kingdom as a formidable force.

Bappa Rawal and the Caliphate


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