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Chances & Changes: The Nova Effect

Everything happens for a Reason, and that Reason may be something beyond disabled Chance.

The Nova Effect is a curious theory that examines this aspect, to the fullest.

It specifically highlights that one cannot determine the worthiness of an event, without living out the consequences. Missed a friend’s party? Maybe you got an A from studying, instead. Broke your phone? Maybe you reconnected with your family better, IRL.

Good comes from Bad, Bad from Good; any road untaken might lead to long-term and lasting fruition. Insignificant changes alone have immense power. So, live before you judge. And, Carpe Diem!

The Pursuit of Wonder

A short animated film titled ‘The Nova Effect’, produced by the Pursuit of Wonder analyses this confounding theory through the vivid narration of common man, Eric’s story. His turbulent twists, unfortunate shortcomings and near-fatal accidents soon build to reveal a simmering plot, held precariously by the warm grace of Fate. How the vicious bad in his life, circles down to him meeting the love of his life and building a world of his own desire sums up the lasting imprints of the Nova Effect to the fullest. It leaves us with the impactful, and indelible claim that you simply do not know where the roads you take, lead.

The Tragedy of Joy

So, what does it all mean?


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