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Decline Of Classical Indian Artforms.

Bharatnatyam an Indian classical dance form originated in Tamil Nadu. Bharatnatyam which was at the peak during the Chola period started to diminish after the Cholas, Though it deteriorated in the north due to repeated foreign invasions as they thought Indian art as crude, immoral and inferior to the concept of Western culture. The devadasi system declined but fortunately it survived in the southern part of India where it was patronized by the kings and was maintained by the devadasi system. People like E.Krishna Iyer, Shobana Chandrakumar Pillai and Rukmini vijaykumar are helping to preserve this artform even worldwide.

1 Comment

Haran E
Haran E
Sep 27, 2023

Taking Bharatanatyam to world-wide, Kudos' to Sharvya. All the best in your great initiative.

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