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Do you dream?

Why do we often forget our dreams? Why do we dream? What is a dream? Well,

Dreaming is a phenomenon where a collection of thoughts, ambitions and emotions

manifest during sleep due to psychological activity in our brain. Dreams are triggered by

a specialized set of neurons that send activity into the brain's visual cortex leading us to

experience vision. One reason we might struggle to recall our dreams is that

Hippocampus, a structure in the brain responsible for learning and memory, is not fully

active when we are awake. People tend to dream more about their deepest desires.

Frightening Dreams

Nightmares, which are unpleasant dreams, are somewhat similar to regular dreams. On

average, a human has one nightmare per week, which might seem unreal because you

can't remember your dreams, right? Nightmares are often a result of unfulfilled

psychological needs or frustrations with real-life experiences, but the most apparent

cause is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although adults can suffer from

nightmares, they are mostly seen in children, especially those between the ages of 3 and

6. Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) is the most effective treatment for nightmares. Not

only is IRT cost-effective, but it also removes any worries about the financial burden of

therapy, ensuring a restful sleep without any nightmare of payments.


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