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International Humanitarian Law Non - Existent In China ?

China is the epitome of IHL Violations such as the Social Credit System and the injustice to the Uyghur Muslims living in China. The media is propaganda controlled and no one truly understands what exactly happens in the country. There have been Right to Privacy violations by setting up of multiple face recognition cameras and DNA collection drives which violate the basic principles of the Geneva convection and its attributes. Re - Engineering programs continue to this date conducting forceful sterilization and brainwashing of the Uyghur Muslims who are also Human. We all deserve to have a little respect !

Laws Broken

The genomic tracking program of the Chinese government breaches both international human rights norms and suggested protocols for the handling of genetic material derived from individuals. Article 12 of the UN International Declaration on Human Genetic Data states that the collection of genetic data in "civil, criminal, or other legal proceedings" should be "in accordance with domestic law consistent with the international law of human rights." Article 9 of the UN Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights states that "limitations to the principles of consent and confidentiality may only be prescribed by law, for compelling reasons within the bounds of public international law and the international law of human rights."

Furthermore, there is no doubt that the Chinese government's DNA dragnet violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’ prohibition against ‘arbitrary or unlawful interference’ with a person’s privacy and Article 16 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (to which China is a signatory) against the ‘arbitrary or unlawful interference with [a child’s] privacy’. There are three areas in particular where this program appears to violate the human rights of Chinese citizens.

Causes - Lack of Legality

Uyghur - Western Propaganda or Chinese Inequality


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