Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields:
Manipulating or controlling people’s minds is something we probably all have fantasized about. Often discarded as an engineering marvel of the future we would've never realized that “that future” is finally here. The idea was introduced by Hendriks G. Loos, it focused on observing how digital devices emitting electromagnetic waves affect our brain and nervous system. Due to its potential to hypothetically affect mental health, this concept has generated a lot of controversy when applied to people. Although a very valuable tool that can be used for treating psychic health conditions, the concept is nonetheless flimsy and vulnerable to exploitation.
Mechanics behind the manipulation
Coming to the experiment done back in 2001, the goal was to sync the electromagnetic field to the brain pulses observed during a lucid state of the mind; this was done by attaching a headband with electrodes on the patient's head. This method primarily involves using electromagnetic waves with external application of magnetic fields, heat and sound to certain areas of the body to create a neurological response like drowsiness and relaxation.