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The Power of Positive Thought: Lessons from Mahabharata in Indian Mythology

In the epic saga of Mahabharata from Indian mythology, we witness the interplay of positive

and negative energies and the transformative power of thoughts. One striking example is the

character of Arjuna, a skilled archer who finds himself on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, torn

between duty and compassion. In the midst of a moral dilemma, Arjuna turns to his

charioteer, Lord Krishna, for guidance. Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom, emphasising the

importance of righteous action and positive thinking. By aligning his thoughts with his

virtuous duty, Arjuna not only finds inner clarity but also becomes an instrument of positive

change, ultimately contributing to the restoration of justice and harmony in the world. This

profound example illustrates how positive thoughts, grounded in righteousness, have the

power to transform individuals and their surroundings.


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