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The Silent Epidemic Of Overwork Burnout

Have you ever dreamt of becoming an actor, a scientist, a businessman, or becoming fit, healthy and living the perfect life? The ones who are fully determined give in their 100 percent to achieve their goals, but sometimes, that creative and hardworking mind needs a break to calm down and relax.

Excessive work load, and the will to do something beyond their capacity, causes many problems in a person, like burnout, fatigue, always distracted, etc. Overworking is the last thing that a person needs to do to fulfill their dreams. It is what affects the brain and mentality.

The ones who are successful today, plan their day in a systematic order, and are relaxed, while also being attentive and determined. If you follow a proper schedule, you can probably work better than usual. So stay calm, grab a paper and a pen, and plan your day out. This will help more than anything and you will be happier while doing your work!

1 Comment

Zubin .G
Zubin .G
Sep 08, 2023


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