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The truth we believe in?

Most people in general believe that there is someone who has been destined to be their better half. It may be a man, a woman, or anyone. People term this as soulmates or a person you are destined to be with. What does a soulmate mean? Generically, it’s someone you feel the most comfortable around. To be more specific, it’s someone you would love to see at the end of that no matter how your day went. It’s a feeling of belongingness, affinity, reliability, validity, and security. There have been several myths, stories, superstitions, and as well as theories when it comes to the terms ‘destiny’ and ‘soulmate’.

Are all of them real, practical, and valid?

It cannot be said that all of the theories, stories, and beliefs are real. Different views and faiths emerge from different cultures, religions, and ethnicity. The world is a diverse place for all the ideas, thoughts, and perspectives to exist. Some of them are practical and some of them aren’t. Even though people seem to believe in them. It’s because these things have a sense of association which is in some or other way linked to the word ‘love’.

Human beings are a great source of expressing feelings, emotions, and kindness which cannot be put into words. Love is something that combines all of it and we express it via our actions. It’s something that every human being contains in some form.

Myths = Superficial?

Evolving stages of Myth

The actual beauty behind it


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