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Threat to Bharat Mata: China and its encroachment

Aksai Chin, an integral part of India's territory, stands as a painful reminder of China's audacious land grab in the late 1950s. Nestled in the majestic expanse of the northwestern Himalayas, this swath of over 37,000 square kilometers was brazenly seized by China. The treacherous act transpired amidst the Sino-Indian border disputes and the tumultuous aftermath of the 1959 Tibetan uprising. China's occupation of Aksai Chin has festered as an unhealed wound, stoking the flames of resentment and mistrust between India and China.

Recent Developments

The audacity doesn't stop there; This week we witness China's expansionist ambitions extending to Arunachal Pradesh, a hallowed Indian state in the northeastern Himalayas. With unapologetic cartographic revisionism, China's maps now ludicrously claim Arunachal Pradesh as its own, evoking rightful ire and resolute opposition from patriotic Indians and the global community alike.


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