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Validation = A healthy aspect?

Validation refers to a sense of belongingness or the need to be acknowledged and praised to some extent. We as social creatures tend to seek this validation from our surroundings. We feel the need to be known or at least a way that could boost our confidence in a generalized manner. It is something all human beings search for as it provides affirmation and some degree of self-worth as well.

Absence of recognition?

Being confident about oneself is a must and necessary state of life, but what if being confident and not being acknowledged leads to? It creates a shallow view of oneself which can further lead to a tendency or a major need to seek validation from others keeping aside one’s self-acknowledgment. As social creatures, it may seem to us that one is not getting any sort of affirmation from peer groups like teachers, friends, or parents. Being validated for correct things and for one’s efforts leads to a greater sense of self-worth but not being acknowledged by others could result in the exact opposite. It could lead to a decrease in self-esteem and a lower level of self-compassion.

A negative aspect?

A healthier aspect?

Striking a balance


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