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Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam

In the past, great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi fought for our country to become free from the British who were unfair and cruel.

Today, in different parts of the world, many people are still fighting for their rights and freedom. Sometimes, we forget how lucky we are to have the freedom and opportunities we do.

These leaders from the past fought not just for their countries but for the rights of all people. They wanted everyone to be treated fairly and kindly.

In today's busy world, we can sometimes forget that every person is important and that we are all connected. We forget the lessons that these leaders taught us about being kind and looking out for each other.

It's crucial to remember the past and the values of fairness and respect for everyone. We should follow these lessons and treat all people with kindness and respect, just as those great leaders did.

[world is our family]


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