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Why is Jealousy a Common Emotion?

Jealousy stems from a combination of fear and ego. We often feel afraid of how the world perceives us, leading us to seek someone to blame for our circumstances. Meanwhile, our ego compels us to believe that we must either be the best or the worst at something; it doesn't accept mediocrity. These factors contribute to the emergence of jealousy within each of us.

Understanding the Root of Jealousy

While browsing through other people's Instagram feeds, you might find yourself desiring the luxuries they possess, believing that you would be happier if you had more. However, it is an old adage that wealth does not bring true happiness and fulfillment. Genuine joy does not come from surpassing others. To test this theory, consider how you would feel if you received an award for being the best in your field. Would the accolade itself bring you the most happiness, or would it be the warmth you feel from the congratulatory messages flooding your inbox? As social beings, we naturally seek acceptance and appreciation, which is perfectly normal. However, when we exploit the misfortunes, failures, and lack of privilege of others to achieve this, feelings of superiority become our weaknesses. This occurs when we trample over others to reach the top. Jealousy is a wasteful expenditure of energy because the more time you spend focusing on other people, the less time you invest in your own personal growth and development.

Overcoming Jealousy



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