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Why Online Petitions Don't Work. | Collaborative Article

Every day we encounter hopeful research and forms that seek to heal a world of discontent. "Sign this form to save the elephants! Get this form 10,000 signatures and save the trees!". While such activity promotes reflection, it can instill a false sense of hope. A few thousand clicks aren't enough to stop logging and tiger poaching. If they were, the world would be perfect. There are millions of petitions online like these, but the question is, who doesn't agree to stop deforestation? No one in their right mind would deny these forms.

So why should we demand mainstream opinions? All it resulted in was an increase in site registrations and helpless regret. What happens if the petition exceeds 100,000 signatures? It sank into the abyss of the Internet. The intention is good, but the method is definitely wrong. Petitions give us the illusion of change and relief, but have we really solved all the problems with millions of petitions pouring in every minute?


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