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Writers & Poets - Soul of the World

The word itself is so beautiful and yet generic. A poet or a writer is someone who passionately portrays feelings and sentiments through beautifully placed words in a manner that stirs our emotions. They are the soul of our world because without them there’s a striking past instead of a regretful one, a radiant present instead of a hectic and unfulfilled one, and a breathtaking future instead of a dreadful and appalling one. A world through a poet’s eyes is enchanting, and a person who learns to see the world through a poet's or author's eyes will always be mesmerized by the beauty of it.

Is it really that beautiful?

An author who can vouch for it is a well-known entity named William Shakespeare. He is a renowned author and as well a poet. He wrote things like,

"Hear my soul speak:

The very instant that I saw you, did

My heart fly to your service; there resides,

To make me slave to it."

This is an extract from 'The Tempest, Act III and Scene 1. How he has described the act of falling in love is so beautiful that it makes your soul feel beautiful and fills it up with a wave of emotions. Several poets and authors to date write such beautiful things that will make one realize that life has several perspectives and not just one.

New age authors and writers?

Is it all about beauty and emotions?


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